Free ProSite SEO Audit
Your website is typically the core of your Digital Marketing strategy. Every Digital Marketing tactic is designed to get more visitors to your website (Traffic) and to get those visitors to engage with you and your brand, to take an action step (Conversion). Brick and Mortar locations also have the requirement of driving feet through the door.
With your website being such a critical component of your business, it’s important to make sure the site is optimized for maximum visibility in search engines, and therefore the need for Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.
A comprehensive SEO audit will provide you with detailed information on what’s working, and what’s not, in terms of how the search engines “see” your site and the content it contains. Search engines regularly change the signals they look at from your site, along with how these signals effect your ranking and visibility. In addition, new competitors enter your markets as existing competitors tweak and optimize their own websites. All this leads to the ongoing requirement for regular SEO monitoring and adjustments to maintain and/or increase your position.
eMedia’s ProSite SEO audit will provide you with a core overview of the critical components of your website as they relate to SEO. It will include information that you can take immediate action on, along with detailed suggestions.
Why do we give this valuable information away for free? Simple, at eMedia we believe educated, informed clients are the best to work with, and if you don’t know what’s broken, how are you going to start to make improvements.
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